nextwindow(group) keybind in openbox

When I use ubuntu 16.04, my best keybind was "NextWindow(group)".
I bound the keybind to <alt+~> and I use this a lot
But my computer had tons of problems with ubuntu 16.04 like freezing, application fault etc.
So I changed to lubuntu 16.04. It's very light, simple and stable! I love it.
But I couldn't find the "NextWindow(group)" keybind.
After googling for a while, I finally figured out openbox does not support the keybind.
( You can find the configration at ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml)

I gave up to use the keybind and decided to keep lubuntu lol
Update the keybind to open please~


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WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 및 네트워크 설정

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